I find it very difficult to describe how depressed I feel about Ictopus. (see below)
This is why I am removing myself from contact with people that I cannot trust.
I am so thankful that I have real people around me who share my values and who too are shocked my Ictopus's behavior.
I'm fortunate to have other very worthwhile activities to immerse my energies in.
I am therefore able to remove myself from such a negative environment of what I see as dishonesty and lack of respect for other people shown by your deletion of what they took the trouble to write for the Blog which has been reinstated here.
The thought that there is a society of thinking people that sincerely believes that encouraging children to get involved with Robert Hart's clubs is desirable, shocks me.
The contrast of Emily Saunders and the musicians from
The Manchester Camerata that played at the Ulverston Hall last night is mind bending. On the one hand a sad withdrawn child with nothing better to do than sit at a computer chatting mundanely with 'friends' for two hours every day throughout the year - little contact with parents and neighbours. On the other people that are brimming with self esteem coming from struggling hard for years to master an instrument so that they play it without thinking about what their fingers are doing and hence concentrate on the emotions of the music. The result that not only were they thrilled with what they had achieved but so was the audience who will still have strong emotions of what they experienced both today and for months to come.
When I contrast what Emily is doing with what she would so love doing with Flash if she had the chance, I weep. Is Robert Hart interested - No (Even though I've offered to feature as an expert).
I'm sincerely thankful that there are teachers like Maggie in Thailand who have the
guts and vision to pursue exciting new projects, combining art and music using Flash after seeing the reaction from both pupils and teachers in the school to what was done before Christmas.
This is where my future lies, together with Philosophy with People I respect in Ulverston and the chance to bring a terraced house up to top quality so that someone can enjoy living in a short street where people all know each other.