Thursday, 23 October 2008

Why don't we have more articles like this?

And why doesn't the thinking take off.

First find out all about broccoli brains!

Why does Ken Robinson's talk keep cropping up whenever you look for creativity?

Come on now, surely other people are thinking and actually doing something about this!

Do I detect a rustle and a stirring in the disused corners of our education establishment?

Let's have some reports of some dangerous thinking and risk taking in our classrooms!

Could there be a renewed interest in creativity with Flash where the children got all fired up with the fun of teaching each other?

Can you find something fascinating in this hotchpotch of links to kids having fun with Flash?

Any takers?

I shall try to teach you, wherever you are in the world, if you are!

Join us in being creative on our Flash blog!


Geoff Dellow said...

That's not exactly very informative!

Are we meant to fill in the blanks?

Anonymous said...
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Geoff Dellow said...

Please make your comments in English!

抽菸 said...
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Anonymous said...
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也許 said...
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Anonymous said...
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Geoff Dellow said...

And what's that supposed to mean?

I've never found that the worthwhile things in life are easy.

They can bloody difficult and draining and soul destroying.

It's because of this they are worthwhile.

The feeling of wellbeing at the end of a struggle makes all the pain worth it!

Anonymous said...

*sadness* i wanted to have my blog url to be inquisitivity... boo hoo 4 me i guess. gr8 blog

Geoff Dellow said...

So, how about sharing it?